How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck

Bottom Line:

Often times neck stiffness can be traced back to certain postural imbalances that can result in a very specific pattern known as Upper Cross Syndrome. This pattern describes certain muscles that become shortened and weakened, in conjunction with groups of muscles that become long and tightened. The sets of muscles make a “X” when connected on a body diagram. 


An estimated 20% of the population suffers from daily neck pain over the past year.


This can be very closely linked to the high number of us working on computers and staring down at smartphones for multiple hours each day. Recent studies say that the average person is looking at a screen for 7 hours and 11 minutes each day. 


When the muscles surrounding the joints become weaker, it causes more stress to be put on the actual joints. Within the neck alone, that’s a lot of joints! 


This change can affect how you’re able to move and add extra stress. This can add extra pressure on the spinal discs, leading to neck pain. Even decreasing the amount of healthy movement in ai joint can cause pain to occur. 

Why it Matters:

That habit of looking down at our computers or phones all day often means we’re living with chronically tired neck muscles. Stabilizing the head for that long at a time in a forward facing position alone can be extremely fatiguing. 


That stress adds up and can also result in the joints of your neck not moving correctly. 


At that point, it's only a matter of time before you wake up with a stiff neck or turn your head during the day and are greeted by an intense muscle discomfort or pain. This can even generate headaches.  

Wondering how to get rid of a stiff neck? 


Here are 3 smart steps you can take:


  1. Perform range of motion focused exercises each day that both stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the joints in your neck.

  2. Invest in a supportive pillow that you find comfortable for how you sleep and will keep your head in a neutral position throughout the night.

  3. Schedule regular spinal adjustments to help maintain proper movement patterns with regard to your neck and spinal joints.


Next Steps: 

Making small modifications can equal big changes in your quality of life, especially when it comes to how to get rid of a stiff neck and we’re here to help!

Our focus is on helping you function better so you can feel better, and we don’t stop at adjusting your spine. We also perform strengthening exercises, manual therapy, and give at home programs to continue your progress outside of the office as well. 


So, if neck pain has gotten in the way of you enjoying your life and you're looking for natural neck pain treatment in Omaha, give us a call and schedule that next appointment today. 


Your body will thank you!


Dalton Sealey DC, CSCS

ProMove Chiropractic & Performance


Science Source(s):

 How to Get Rid of a Stiff Neck. Cleveland Clinic. 2021.

The Epidemiology of Neck Pain. Physiopedia. 2021.


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