Why Chiropractic Care is Critical for Kids in Sports
Bottom Line:
Youth sports are a big deal. They help kids grow in so many different ways. This growth is not just physically, but mentally, socially, emotionally….
AND of course it helps them learn how to be successful in a team atmosphere!
It's estimated that over 45 million kids are actively engaged in sports. This is a ridiculously high number….that only continues to grow.
While sports can enhance the growth of children, they can also increase risks for injuries. Pain can develop from overuse, muscular imbalances, or a combination of both. Overuse is especially common with the current youth sports model where more is better.
More is not always better, especially when it’s causing a detriment to the health and advancement of the child. Keep this in mind as well when it comes to practice.
Being proactive with your child’s health to reduce the risk of injury, and balance the effects of training are essential for your child's developing musculoskeletal system.
Why it Matters:
Your child's skeletal system is actively developing until they are approximately 25 years old!
Their postural habits, history of injuries, and genetics all play a role in their body's final form (and function).
Sports have the potential to add significant amounts of strength and resilience to the musculoskeletal system, but can also place high amounts of stress on tissues, possibly increasing the chances of injuries for your developing child.
Even small injuries to their bones can create bigger challenges down the road as they get older.
Just to Recap….
· Addressing minor injuries and challenges while your child is young can help ensure proper musculoskeletal development.
· Youth sports, although very helpful in a child’s development, can increase your child's likelihood of encountering overuse, growth plate injuries, and chronic pain.
Next Steps:
Chiropractic care is another safe and natural way to help your child stay active and performing their best.
At ProMove we focus on improving your child’s ability to move how they were designed to move and avoiding muscular and movement imbalances within the body. By doing so we can assure that each body part is functioning to help your child perform, and not developing compensations.
This is important when trying to get the most out of your body! So don't shrug it off if your child complains of back pain, headaches, or a stiff neck.
Pain is a signal to, "Pay Attention, Something isn’t Right!”
Dr. Sealey has worked with numerous youth athletes in the past, and is well aware of the common injuries encountered by youth athletes.
Together, we can help assure that your youth athlete will be a lifelong athlete, and not be forced to stop activities due to a possibly preventable injury.
Dalton Sealey DC, CSCS
ProMove Chiropractic & Performance
Science Source(s):
Specialization & Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes. UCONN Health. 2017.