Functional Rehabilitation

If you have a disability, functional rehabilitation services can help you regain your independence and improve your quality of life.

Functional Rehabilitation is Multi-Disciplinary

A functional rehabilitation program typically includes chiropractic rehabilitation along with physical and occupational therapy. These services can help you learn new skills or regain lost abilities.

Benefits of A Multi-Disciplinary Approach

Physical therapists help people regain strength and mobility. Occupational therapy helps people learn new skills or regain lost abilities, particularly movement patterns used in daily activities. Chiropractic adjustments are a powerful treatment tool that can quickly reduce pain and help restore function and performance faster.

Physical therapy is a great solution for people of all ages who have had pain that lasted for longer periods, as well as functional problems resulting from back and neck injuries, sprains, fractures, neurological disorders, injuries related to activities or sports, etc.

Why Functional Rehab?

Functional rehabilitation services can be an important part of your overall treatment plan. If you've been injured, we will develop a custom treatment plan for you after determining what will best address the associated disability.

There are many types of rehabilitation programs available, so it is important to find one that meets your needs. Some programs focus on helping people with specific disabilities manage basic activities, while others are designed for athletes to help them achieve an optimal level of performance in sports after an injury.

Functional rehabilitation is for you if you need help with:

  • Recovering from injury

  • Improving and increasing your strength flexibility and mobility

  • Returning to sports after an injury

  • Musculoskeletal pain

  • Sport specific functional movement

  • Reaching your fitness goals

Sports Medicine and Functional Rehab

Ever wonder how professional athletes recover from traumatic injuries as severe as a broken femur or joint injury requiring reconstructive surgery but are back to playing at their highest level the same season? It's because they dedicate themselves to full participation in the therapeutic exercises of their functional rehab program. Sports medicine focuses on physical fitness and treating and preventing injuries related to sports and exercise. In other words, sports medicine rehab management is, at its core, a form of functional medicine focused on helping the injured athlete.


The overall goal of functional rehabilitation is to get you back to an active lifestyle. We will be there with you every step of the way.

What Is The Process?

If you are interested in functional rehab, it is important to know what to expect from your first session:
At your first appointment, the rehabilitation team will assess your needs and develop a treatment plan. As part of the diagnostic process, we assess the area of dysfunction in the context of how the parts of your whole body work together.

During the physical examination, we look at your body mechanics such as the range of motion of joints, muscle strength, muscle control, and fundamental patterns of movement with an array of functional diagnostics.

Developing The Path To Recovery

We then develop a care plan for you. The plan may include a combination of various techniques of physical therapy and occupational therapy according to your specific needs. Chiropractic care also plays an important role in functional rehabilitation, helping to alleviate pain and improve mobility. The team works with you to set goals for your treatment and develops a plan that may include manual therapy, body stabilization, agility training, and other rehab exercises.

What To Expect

After you have started the program, it is important to keep up with your appointments and follow the treatment plan. You may need to see the rehabilitation team several times a week or just once a month. The frequency of your appointments will depend on your needs and goals.

If you stick with the program, you can expect to see improvements in your ability to function independently. With time and practice, you will regain skills and abilities that you may have lost due to your injury.

Functional rehabilitation services can help you lead a more independent and fulfilling life.

If you think that functional rehabilitation services could help you, the first step is to make an appointment. After a thorough assessment, Dr. Sealey can help you understand what services might be right for you.