Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization



Graston technique, also known as IASTM (Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization), is a non-invasive technique that treats soft tissue. Specifically, it affects the fascia, musculature, tendons, ligaments, and nerve tissue. Applying this to the body helps accelerate the healing process by engaging a series of events within the body to heal. Graston providers use these special instruments to apply pressure and generate friction on the skin during the treatment. Using the tool also helps generate more friction when applying the stroking technique resulting in the production of heat. This loosens up the fluids between the layers of the body to decrease tension.


IASTM has had a profound effect on the athletic and sports medicine community. The versatility of its application allows it to be beneficial in many different situations. IASTM helps patients recover from chronic pain, as well as athletes who have acute injuries. In both cases, it helps your performance in whatever it is you may do. We will discuss the different applications a bit further down. From helping with your recently sprained ankle to that nagging shoulder pain you’ve had for months. 

If you are considering IASTM, be sure to consult with a sports medicine doctor or healthcare provider to see if it is right for you.


Improved Strength | Pain Relief | Reduced inflammation | Increase Range of Motion

IASTM is a manual therapy technique that helps normalize the soft tissue within the body to decrease pain and accelerate tissue healing. It has multiple benefits for people of all ages. It can help to reduce pain, inflammation, and the risk of future injury. It can also help to improve the range of motion and promote healing. If you are suffering from any issues listed below, IASTM may be an effective treatment for you.

Woman laying on table on her side receiving IASTM from chiropractor


What are the risks of using IASTM?

IASTM is generally considered one of the safest treatment options, with minimal risks. The most common side effect is bruising or skin irritation from the instrument used. This can result in temporary discomfort, but in general, it is considered a safe and effective form of therapy.  If you have any open wounds, skin infections, or bleeding disorders, IASTM may not be right for you.

IASTM typically works as a supportive therapy, accompanied by chiropractic care or physical therapy.

What conditions does IASTM treat?

IASTM can be used to treat a variety of soft tissue conditions, including:

  • Muscle Strains

  • Joint pain

  • Tendinitis

  • Chronic ankle sprains

  • IT Band Syndrome

  • Neck pain

  • Back pain

  • Achilles tendonitis

Along with a number of other conditions, we would love to help you treat. 

So, if you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above or feel like you could benefit from this type of therapy, IASTM may be able to help you find the relief you’ve been searching for.

How to get better outcomes from IASTM

There are a few things that you can do to get better outcomes from your IASTM:

  1. Be sure to find a qualified physician who has experience treating your specific condition.

  2. Follow the instructions given to you after treatment, and perform all at-home recommendations given. 

  3. Be patient and consistent with your treatments. Results that develop over time can take a bit of time to see the improvements you’re looking for. 

  4. Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet. This will help with your overall health and promote healing and reduce inflammation.

If you follow these simple tips, you will certainly see better results with your IASTM.

Why is it a good idea to do IASTM along with progressive strengthening exercises?

Strengthening exercises affect far more than the muscles. Progressive strengthening exercises are exercises that are designed to consistently add more stress to the body. This stress comes by way of resistance. Whether it’s an elastic band, dumbbell, barbell, kettlebell, etc. it is increasing the stress applied to the body as it gets heavier. This is beneficial because it slowly allows the body to adapt, become stronger, and heal. In the long run, this helps to reduce the risk of future injury, and ensures the body is able to heal injured tissues. Strengthening exercises are also a great way to help prevent osteoporosis by stimulating bone and muscle growth.

Some examples of progressive strengthening exercises include:

  • Bench press 

  • Squats

  • Lunges

  • Leg presses

  • Calf raises

  • Deadlifts

  • Rows

If you are new to exercise or have been on a break from working out, it is important to slowly work back to your previous loads over time. The amount of time it may take to get back to previous levels can depend on how long the break has been.

Why are functional mobility exercises important?

Functional mobility exercises aim to help improve your ability to move and function in your everyday life. In order to move better, your body must be able to explore a certain degree of motion. Each joint has an established range of motion. These ranges, when up to standard, allow us to perform all the motions we need throughout the day. When ranges are limited in one area (joint or group of joints), another area has to perform more to make up for it. This done repetitively results in added stresses on the body. Achieving and maintaining proper joint mobility is step one to helping your body move better. Overall, this reduces the likelihood of injuries.

Interested in IASTM?

IASTM is a manual therapy technique that helps normalize the soft tissue within the body to decrease pain and accelerate tissue healing. It can help to reduce pain, inflammation, and the risk of future injury. It can also help to improve range of motion and promote healing. If you are suffering from any of the conditions listed above, IASTM may be able to help you find relief. Book an appointment to find out if IASTM is the best option for you.

Schedule your First Appointment with Dr. Sealey & His Team


Oftentimes manual therapy is used in combination with other forms of treatment to generate maximum benefits. At your appointment, Dr. Sealey will help craft a custom treatment plan that will help alleviate your pain and improve your quality of life.

Learn more about the other chiropractic treatments we offer at ProMove Chiropractic.