TPI Golf Treatment & Performance


TPI Golf Treatment IN OMAHA, NE

TPI Golf Treatment provides one of the best methods to improve golfers' performance. The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) is a world leader in golf fitness, performance, and instruction. TPI’s mission is to help every golfer play their best golf game by improving their physical game.

Understanding body mechanics and golf-specific health are difficult. However, we are here to help. If you are interested in improving your physical game and preventing injuries, the TPI Golf Treatment Program may be right for you. Schedule a comprehensive assessment with a TPI certified professional today here at ProMove Chiropractic & Performance.

Man holding elbow from golf injury.

TPI Golf Treatment

One way TPI Golf Treatment does this is through the development of the Titleist Performance Institute Golf Treatment Program. The program is designed to help golfers of all skill levels (regardless if you are an amateur golfer or an avid golfer) improve their physical game and prevent or treat injuries.

The program includes a comprehensive assessment of the golfer’s physical game, followed by a customized treatment plan. The treatment plan may include stretching, exercises, and/or chiropractic adjustments to improve golf performance.

Why are mobility limitations a problem in golf?

Mobility limitations can impact a golfer’s ability to perform at their best. TPI instructors can help assess and treat mobility limitations with the goal of improving the golfer’s physical game. Common mobility limitations that may impact a golfer’s performance include:

  • Limited range of motion in the hips/ low back pain

  • Limited range of motion in the shoulders/ shoulder pain

  • Lack of rotational mobility

  • Poor flexibility and movement quality

If you are experiencing any of these mobility limitations, the TPI Golf Treatment Program provides an efficient way to improve your joint mobilizations and body-swing connection.

Woman holding back with pain and holding a golf club.

What to expect from a golf-specific injury assessment

The TPI Golf Treatment Program is a powerful tool that begins with physical therapists' minute evaluation of the golfer’s physical game. The assessment is designed to identify any mobility limitations or other issues that may be impacting the golfer’s performance.

The assessment includes a full medical history, a specific physical examination, and a series of golf-specific tests. The results of the assessment are used to develop a customized treatment plan.

The TPI physical screen is a comprehensive assessment of the golfer’s physical game. The TPI screening is used to identify any mobility limitations or other issues that may be impacting the golfer’s performance. The screen includes a series of tests and measures to check specific physical limitations like practice swings. This will help assess the results of your:

  • Golf swing analysis

  • Muscle strength testing

  • Flexibility testing

  • Range of motion testing

  • Current health

The results of the physical screen are used to develop a customized treatment plan that may include stretching, exercises, and/or chiropractic adjustments to reduce physical limiting factors.

The customized treatment plan is developed based on the results of the assessment. The plan may include stretching, exercises, and/or chiropractic adjustments. The frequency and duration of the treatments will vary depending on the individual golfer’s needs.

Tips to lower the risk of injury in golf

One of the best ways to lower your risk of injury while playing golf is to make sure you warm up properly before starting your round. A good warm-up will increase your heart rate and blood flow, loosen up your muscles, and help you hit your shots with more power and accuracy.

Static stretching exercises are a great way to warm up your muscles before playing golf. These exercises should be done slowly and with control, holding each stretch for 20-30 seconds.

Some great static stretches for golfers include:

  • Hip flexor stretch

  • Quadriceps stretch

  • Hamstring stretch

  • Chest and shoulder stretch

  • Wrist and forearm stretch

In addition to stretching, it is also important to do some light cardio before playing golf. A short walk or slow jog will get your heart rate up and prepare your body for the physical activity to come and avoid common golf related injuries.

Finally, make sure you are using the proper golf equipment. Golf clubs that are too long or too short can lead to swing faults and muscle imbalances. Wearing golf shoes that fit properly and provide support will also help reduce your risk of injury.

If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort while playing golf, stop immediately and consult a medical professional. Golf is a great game, but it is not worth risking your health for. With a little preparation and care, you can enjoy a safe and enjoyable round of golf.

TPI Golf Treatment FAQ

These are the most common questions regarding TPI Golf Treatment. If your question is not answered here, message us and we'll write back to you!

What is the TPI Golf Treatment Program?

In sports medicine, the TPI Golf Treatment Program is a comprehensive assessment and treatment program designed to help golfers improve their physical game and prevent injuries like golf elbow (also known as golfers’ elbow) and other common golf injuries. The program begins with a comprehensive assessment of the golfer’s physical game. The assessment is used to develop a customized treatment plan that may include stretching, exercises, and/or chiropractic adjustments.

What are the benefits of the TPI Golf Treatment Program?

The benefits of the TPI Golf Treatment Program include improved performance in different areas of your body, reduced risk of injury, correct posture, and increased enjoyment of the game. The program can also help golfers who are experiencing pain or discomfort from playing golf.

How often do I need a TPI evaluation?

The frequency of assessment will vary depending on the individual needs. However, it is generally recommended that golfers be assessed their body movements every 6-12 months.

What if I am not injured?

Even if you are not injured, the TPI Golf Treatment Program can help you improve your physical game and prevent injuries. The program is designed to identify any mobility limitations or other issues that may be impacting your performance.

How do I get started with the TPI Golf Treatment Program?

To get started with the TPI Golf Treatment Program, contact a TPI certified instructor. Dr. Sealey can help you develop your most efficient swing possible and play your best game.

Schedule your First Appointment with Dr. Sealey & His Team